About PIMS
About PIMS
Access to essential medicines and commodities in remote and low-resource settings, whether in development or emergency response, is critical. The need for standardized and adaptable systems to efficiently capture healthcare services & supply-chain data and convert it into actionable information is also paramount.
To address these issues, International Medical Corps has developed the Pharmaceutical Information Management System (PIMS), a customizable and flexible primary health, pharmacy and inventory management automation system designed for the last mile of the supply chain. PIMS enhances operational efficiency, controls costs and improves patient care by reducing paperwork for healthcare providers and maintaining optimal inventory levels, even in challenging environments.
Powerful Modularized Platform
Contains the comprehensive inventory of commodities under system management. It enables the use of barcoded medication administration and location management, and provides the flexibility of custom hierarchical classifications for all types of commodities.
Empowers staff to streamline and quantify the required commodities for a project or intervention. It leverages consumption data, morbidity information and treatment protocols to generate precise forecasts that can be converted into purchase requests.
Facilitates the efficient handling of received goods at either the health facility or warehouse level by staff. It provides a range of options for data entry, including file imports, API integrations and manual data input, ensuring versatility and ease of use.
The module empowers healthcare providers to create and customize primary healthcare workflows tailored to their needs. It also offers a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) interface that enhances the accuracy and speed of order processing, directly linked to the pharmacy’s real-time inventory for immediate visibility into medication availability.
Facilitates the dispensing of pharmaceuticals and the distribution of other commodities while ensuring adherence to best practices throughout the process. This module enhances the quality of healthcare services by promoting rational dispensing, conducting drug utilization reviews and recording pharmacovigilance reports
Assists staff in carrying out regular physical inventory checks and reviewing them as necessary, including making stock adjustments. This module accommodates both online and offline inventory management, enabling the recording of damaged and expired items and other losses.
Manages internal commodity transfers between various facilities, both online and offline. It also oversees the distribution of commodities to service delivery points and external organizations. Users can choose between push and pull resupply systems for transfers.
Produces resupply quantities for each item within the facility by applying the selected criteria, which encompass the Average Monthly Consumption (AMC) and the facility’s stock thresholds while factoring in seasonality and stockouts. These calculated quantities are prepared for review and to obtain approvals necessary before distribution from the warehouse.
Optimizes the management of temperature-sensitive goods, including pharmaceuticals, food items and vaccines, within the supply chain. It offers real-time temperature and humidity monitoring and control to uphold product integrity. The system readily incorporates data from various origins, streamlining monitoring and alerts for greater efficiency.
Produces both real-time data and scheduled reports that can be retrieved and exported in a variety of formats, including predefined templates for both internal and external reporting needs. The reporting system includes a query builder and can generate summary, detailed or exception reports as required.
Get a first-hand look!
Experience our state-of-the-art platform up close. Our experts will walk you through the system’s features, including real-time commodity monitoring and control, efficient stock management and comprehensive reporting capabilities. This is your opportunity to ask questions, explore the user-friendly interface and witness how PIMS can bring a revolutionary edge to your operations.
Proven to work in 19 countries