
Operational Considerations for Remote MHPSS Programming in Humanitarian Settings: A Case Study of International Medical Corps Programs in Central African Republic, Iraq, Libya, South Sudan and Venezuela

This case study was developed using primarily qualitative methods combined with a desk review of project records from each country, as well as client case records. Primary data were collected between August and October 2021, through 220 key informant interviews with various stakeholders, including International Medical Corps staff and service providers, community leaders, clients and caregivers. Government restrictions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and security risks necessitated transitioning to remote programming in each country, though specific adaptations varied by country contexts. Remote service delivery was found to be generally effective and to positively impact client wellbeing and functioning, but there were contextual challenges in implementing it.

Start Date:2021

End Date:2022

Partners: International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Humanity and Inclusion

Donors: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)

Publications: Case Study