The Codes of the Sahara: Bringing Healthcare to Nomadic Communities in Mali

To ensure that our mobile medical units can provide care to Mali’s nomadic communities in the Sahara Desert, we employ guides with an intricate understanding of the desert, like Aboubacrine Ag Assaleh.

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Serving on the Front Lines of Disaster Medicine

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina ripped through large areas of the American South, decimating homes, businesses and hospitals, and leaving thousands of people across Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi in despair. Native Mississippian John Roberts, in college at the time, volunteered to help local communities recover. What he saw there inspired him to become an emergency- and …

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With Your Help in 2022

In 2022, your support enabled our teams to provide services and support to more than 19 million people in 30 countries around the world. Watch this short video to see just a few examples of how you changed—and saved—lives. Thank you.

Reaching the Vaccine Hesitant in the DRC

Out of a population of 108 million, only 6.1 million vaccine doses have been administered in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) so far. Convincing people to be vaccinated is still a big challenge, and there are many reasons why vaccination isn’t yet widespread. Some people lack information about the vaccine, while many others …

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A Journey to Vaccination

The already burdened health systems in the Northwest and the Southwest regions of Cameroon have been further challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic. Insecurity in the regions has hindered COVID-19 response activities, and attacks on healthcare facilities have limited the availability of health services in some communities. There have been low COVID-19 vaccination coverage and limited …

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When Something Good Comes Out of a Crisis

When New York City found itself at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, International Medical Corps rushed to provide much-needed aid to New York’s Jamaica and Flushing Hospital Medical Centers—part of the MediSys Health Network—in the form of emergency medical field units, personal protective equipment (PPE) and a total of 33 volunteer …

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Mental Health Care in Jordan Is Just a Click Away

A woman we’ll call Samah is a 38-year-old Jordanian working at a local university. She is divorced and lives alone, and although she has relatives, her relations with them have been strained for a long time. Family tensions and economic hardships have caused psychological stress for her. She felt trapped and hopeless, and did not …

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Vaccinating Against COVID-19 in Manila

Baseco Health Center is located in one of the most poverty-stricken areas of Manila, capital city of the Philippines. At the Manila Health Department (MHD) District V office, International Medical Corps and MHD staff are loading COVID-19 vaccine doses into an International Medical Corps vehicle, ensuring the quick and safe delivery of the vaccine to …

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Battling Storms to Deliver Vaccines in the Philippines

Our Philippines team’s journey from their office in Manila to Siargao Island, in the municipality of Del Carmen, was challenging and tiring. It required seven hours of travel and three different modes of transportation—a flight from Manila to Butuan, followed by a drive from Butuan to Surigao, then another two hours of travel via ferry …

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