Flooding and Humanitarian Needs Surge in South Sudan

International Medical Corps’ dedicated team is providing lifesaving services to flood-affected communities.

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Celebrating 40 Years of Health and Hope: Our Top 10 Images from 2024

Over the past 40 years, International Medical Corps has responded to the world’s most pressing disasters, providing medical care and supplies, clean water and nutrition, mental health, protection and other services to families affected by conflict, disaster and disease. And true to our founding principle, we focus on training communities to become their own first …

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Cameroon Village Rejoices After Installation of Solar Panels at Health Center

Enete Ma Zenghe! Enemoh Ma Zenghe! With this song in the Mbembe language—which means “Today is a day of joy, a day filled with happiness” in English—the villagers of Akwaja celebrated and thanked International Medical Corps for installing a new solar system at their local health center. The Akwaja Integrated Health Center had been non-functional …

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Traveling Treacherous Roads in Cameroon

“It’s a passion for me to help my brothers and sisters in the villages with no means to access health and nutrition services,” says Vincent Ndi, our driver in Cameroon. Vincent, who has more than 27 years of experience as a driver in all regions of Cameroon, joined International Medical Corps in 2021 to support …

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April Snapshots 2024

Providing Health Services in Venezuela Venezuela’s severe economic crisis has weakened its healthcare system, with many health facilities lacking the basic supplies needed to provide primary healthcare and to prevent and treat illnesses. In addition to providing staff to conduct medical consultations, we’ve helped to strengthen the health system in Venezuela by providing training for …

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March Snapshots 2024

Supporting Earthquake-Affected Communities in Morocco Six months after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake shook Morocco—the country’s deadliest since 1960 and the most powerful in more than a century— we’re still on the ground working with local authorities and partners to provide support in the areas affected by the quakes. When the quake hit, we immediately sent an …

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How We Fight Preventable Disease Through Vaccinations

Every year, approximately 4 million deaths are prevented by childhood vaccinations. In countries around the world, International Medical Corps delivers lifesaving immunizations—especially to children under 5—in underserved, hard-to-reach communities. In honor of World Immunization Week (April 24–30), we’re sharing the stories of our teams in a few of these countries across Africa and the Middle …

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Delivering Lifesaving Care and Services in Northwest Cameroon

Since 2008, International Medical Corps has provided lifesaving nutrition and health services in Cameroon’s Northwest region, where armed conflict presents significant challenges to the delivery of humanitarian aid. Violence displaces families, interferes with freedom of movement and limits access to health services. Despite these hazards, our staff in Cameroon operates across the underserved Northwest region, …

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Malaria: What Should You Know?

Malaria is a life-threatening disease that causes neurologic problems and can lead to death if it goes untreated. Nearly half a million children under 5 die from malaria each year in Africa—roughly one death each minute. In Cameroon, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) recently began the world’s first routine immunization program against the mosquito-borne …

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August Snapshots 2023

Revisiting Flood Survivors in Pakistan In response to last year’s floods in Pakistan, we provided delivery kits to pregnant women to ensure a safe and successful childbirth. We also monitored the health of expectant mothers through regular visits, providing vital medicine and offering counseling. Sapa and Jonjhi Bai are just two of the women who …

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Bringing Vaccines to Children in Remote Areas of Cameroon

Immunization means protection. Before International Medical Corps began offering primary health and nutrition services in Oshie, a village in Northwest Cameroon, the integrated health center (IHC) was not functional. This meant that people living in the town and its surrounding villages had to travel to Njikwa District Hospital, which is 8 km (5 miles) away …

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