The Codes of the Sahara: Bringing Healthcare to Nomadic Communities in Mali

To ensure that our mobile medical units can provide care to Mali’s nomadic communities in the Sahara Desert, we employ guides with an intricate understanding of the desert, like Aboubacrine Ag Assaleh.

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June Snapshots 2024

Increasing Ukrainian Mothers’ Knowledge About Nutrition International Medical Corps battles malnutrition by providing quality nutrition services during crisis and recovery, when communities are most vulnerable. We’re addressing nutrition needs in 20 countries and territories, including Ukraine. On International Children’s Day in June, our Nutrition team in Ukraine held an event in Irpin—a suburb of Kyiv …

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Fighting Cholera in 2024: What You Should Know

In 2024, nobody needs to die because of cholera. We have already eradicated it in many countries. After major outbreaks in the 19th century, Europe and North America have eliminated cholera by improving water and sanitation infrastructure. We can easily treat cholera. Drinking an oral rehydration solution (water with added sugar and salts) helps most …

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Are You Ready for Atlantic Hurricane Season?

Every year, devastating storms and climate-related events rip through the east coast of Central America and the Gulf Coast of the United States, causing billions in damage and robbing communities of their sense of security. Though the frequency and strength of these disasters are unpredictable, there’s one that’s not: Atlantic Hurricane Season, which runs from …

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Refugees Deserve a Chance, a Voice, a Future

Imagine that fighting has broken out between rival groups in your town, and it’s so dangerous that you can risk your life just by going to the grocery store or to your job. How would you feel to come home from work and find your home damaged and your neighbors killed by bombs dropped on …

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February Snapshots 2024

Supporting Ukraine Two+ Years After the Russian Invasion This February marked two years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Since then, about one-third of the population has been forced to flee their homes, healthcare facilities and infrastructure are under constant attack and millions of people need help getting their basic survival needs met. Thanks to …

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With Your Help in 2023

In 2023, your support enabled our teams to provide services and support to more than 18 million people in almost 30 countries around the world. Watch and see how your support changed—and saved—lives. Thank you.

Empowering Women and Girls Around the World

In times of crisis, violence against women and girls can escalate. International Medical Corps is at the forefront of preventing and responding to gender-based violence (GBV) in countries around the world. Our teams offer community-based services not only to prevent violence but also to reduce stigma for survivors and promote women’s empowerment and economic independence. …

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Press Release

International Medical Corps Collaborates with Flexport.org to Expand Scope of Award-winning Supply Chain Management Software

Now directly integrated with Flexport technology, International Medical Corps’ Pharmaceutical Information Management System (PIMS) provides additional visibility into the upstream management of the supply chain cycle for Flexport users. International Medical Corps, a global humanitarian relief organization based in Los Angeles, has collaborated with Flexport.org to expand the capacity of its award-winning Pharmaceutical Information Management …

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September Snapshots 2023

Responding in Libya and Morocco Our teams are on the ground providing medical relief to survivors of the Libya floods and Morocco earthquake, as well as to communities around the world affected by extreme weather and other disasters. In Libya, where more than 40,000 flood survivors have been displaced from their homes, we have three …

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No Matter Where, Getting It There (Fast)

Logistics: the process of planning and executing the efficient procurement of goods, services and works, and the transportation and storage of those goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption or end use. Few areas of work at International Medical Corps have undergone greater change since we launched our first humanitarian mission …

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