The Codes of the Sahara: Bringing Healthcare to Nomadic Communities in Mali

To ensure that our mobile medical units can provide care to Mali’s nomadic communities in the Sahara Desert, we employ guides with an intricate understanding of the desert, like Aboubacrine Ag Assaleh.

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Helping Government Partners Better Navigate an Emergency Response

International Medical Corps’ Humanitarian Response Training Unit (HRTU) is responsible for strengthening the capacity of humanitarians, helping NGOs and governments to become better first responders. Twice a year, the HRTU team holds training simulations for senior staff members from any US government agency that interacts with our largest donor, the Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), …

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Press Release

International Medical Corps Collaborates with Flexport.org to Expand Scope of Award-winning Supply Chain Management Software

Now directly integrated with Flexport technology, International Medical Corps’ Pharmaceutical Information Management System (PIMS) provides additional visibility into the upstream management of the supply chain cycle for Flexport users. International Medical Corps, a global humanitarian relief organization based in Los Angeles, has collaborated with Flexport.org to expand the capacity of its award-winning Pharmaceutical Information Management …

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May Snapshots 2023

Promoting Hygiene in Yemen Yemen is experiencing one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises. Eight years of conflict, compounded by economic collapse, natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic have left some 80% of the country struggling to put food on the table and access essential services. Our Yemen team conducts hygiene promotion sessions and facilitates …

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April Snapshots 2023

From Venezuela to Gaza, see your impact as a supporter of our work this month.


Serving on the Front Lines of Disaster Medicine

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina ripped through large areas of the American South, decimating homes, businesses and hospitals, and leaving thousands of people across Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi in despair. Native Mississippian John Roberts, in college at the time, volunteered to help local communities recover. What he saw there inspired him to become an emergency- and …

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Update / Alert

International Medical Corps Mourns the Passing of Richard Riordan

International Medical Corps mourns the passing of our beloved friend and longtime supporter, Richard Riordan, one of International Medical Corps’ earliest board members. In the mid-1980s, as a Los Angeles-based humanitarian organization with one program at that time in Afghanistan, International Medical Corps was fortunate to have Riordan join our Board of Directors at an …

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Press Release

International Medical Corps Mourns the Passing of Richard Riordan

International Medical Corps mourns the passing of our beloved friend and longtime supporter, Richard Riordan, one of International Medical Corps’ earliest board members. In the mid-1980s, as a Los Angeles-based humanitarian organization with one program at that time in Afghanistan, International Medical Corps was fortunate to have Riordan join our Board of Directors at an …

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Update / Alert

Responding to Storm Damage in the Central US

A band of severe weather, including more than 50 tornadoes, swept through the central United States during the evening of March 31 and into the morning of April 1, killing more than 30 people, hospitalizing dozens and devastating homes, businesses and critical infrastructure. Search-and-rescue efforts are underway in response to reports of people trapped in …

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