
School Holidays Without Violence and HIV/AIDS – Difficult Conversations in Cameroon

Carine* is 14 years old. Her baby is 24 days old.

I met Carine at her school in the village of Ngaoui, Cameroon during an International Medical Corps training session for young people in the area. The lesson was part of a project known locally as “Holidays Without Violence and HIV/AIDS”, which brings discussions about violence, adolescent reproductive health, hygiene and nutrition into schools in order to help young people make informed decisions about their behavior and their own health.

Early marriage is common in this region of Cameroon, as well as early pregnancy. The health consequences of early motherhood can be severe, with girls giving birth under 18 almost twice as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth. Globally, pregnancy is the leading cause of death among girls aged 15-19. Studies from elsewhere in Africa have also found that rates of HIV infection are much higher for girls who marry young, even compared to sexually active, but unmarried girls of the same age.

It was a great relief to see Carine during our classes, as early marriage and early pregnancy often result in girls dropping out of school. I spoke to her with my colleague Abel, a nurse, and Carine told us that her mother looks after her baby while she is in school, bringing him in to breastfeed several times a day and she hopes to graduate from school. I had hoped that by starting a conversation we could approach more complex issues like contraception, but it was obvious that she was totally absorbed by her baby and now was not the time. I had to keep reminding myself that she is only 14 years old.

The education sessions run by International Medical Corps in Cameroon also focus on nutrition practices in order to overcome the conservative cultural practices and power relations that mean men are given the majority of food available, instead of women or children when meals are served. Ngaoui has one of the highest malnutrition rates in the region and every Saturday, more than 300 pregnant and lactating women and children benefit from International Medical Corps’ nutrition services. Through this initiative and future activities in schools, we hope that education will bring greater choices for young girls like Carine.

*Names in this article have been changed in order to protect the identity of those involved.

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