Flooding and Humanitarian Needs Surge in South Sudan

International Medical Corps’ dedicated team is providing lifesaving services to flood-affected communities.

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August Snapshots 2024

Assisting Children Affected by the War in Gaza Every child deserves a chance. To safeguard the well-being and rights of children affected by conflict in Gaza, we are providing child protection and mental health services for children at our field hospitals while training caregivers to recognize signs that a child needs mental health support. Our …

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Starting Life in Jowhar

In a remote area of Somalia, International Medical Corps’ dedicated team at the Jowhar Maternity Unit (JMU) delivers more than 250 babies per month, helping women who would otherwise not have access to safe delivery and neonatal services. In a country with high maternal and infant mortality rates, these services are critical. “This is the …

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Helicopters, Sisterhood and Hope: A Journey of Learning and Inspiration

Earlier this year, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Nigeria on a temporary deployment. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the Economic and Social Empowerment (EA$E) approach, which is integrated with the Nigeria mission’s gender-based violence (GBV) program and women’s and girls’ safe spaces (WGSS). It took me three days …

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April Snapshots 2024

Providing Health Services in Venezuela Venezuela’s severe economic crisis has weakened its healthcare system, with many health facilities lacking the basic supplies needed to provide primary healthcare and to prevent and treat illnesses. In addition to providing staff to conduct medical consultations, we’ve helped to strengthen the health system in Venezuela by providing training for …

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How We Fight Preventable Disease Through Vaccinations

Every year, approximately 4 million deaths are prevented by childhood vaccinations. In countries around the world, International Medical Corps delivers lifesaving immunizations—especially to children under 5—in underserved, hard-to-reach communities. In honor of World Immunization Week (April 24–30), we’re sharing the stories of our teams in a few of these countries across Africa and the Middle …

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“It Gives Me Great Joy to See the Amazing Work Our Field Teams Are Doing”

Meet Njoroge Kamau, who was recently promoted to Country Director in Somalia. How long have you been at International Medical Corps? Seven years. What is your background? My undergraduate training was in public health, which forms the bulk of my career history. I also have graduate training in various fields, including global development and health …

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January Snapshots 2024

Creating Accessible Resources in the DRC Years after the official end of a decade-long civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), violence remains pervasive throughout the eastern part of the country. Sexual abuse of women and children continues to escalate, and more than one-third of the population lacks access to basic healthcare. …

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December Snapshots 2023

Bringing Vital Mental Health Services to Ukraine The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had significant effects on the mental health of people throughout the country. International Medical Corps has a long history of working both directly and with local partner organizations in Ukraine to provide mental health services to people affected by the unseen wounds …

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November Snapshots 2023

Fighting Period Poverty, Climate Change and Water-borne Disease in Zimbabwe Amid a decade of economic decline in Zimbabwe due to ongoing drought and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, we have delivered quality health and nutrition services to vulnerable people in food-insecure rural areas, contributed to improved nutrition and helped reduce the spread of waterborne diseases …

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Empowering Women and Girls Around the World

In times of crisis, violence against women and girls can escalate. International Medical Corps is at the forefront of preventing and responding to gender-based violence (GBV) in countries around the world. Our teams offer community-based services not only to prevent violence but also to reduce stigma for survivors and promote women’s empowerment and economic independence. …

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