Celebrating 40 Years of Health and Hope: Our Top 10 Images from 2024

International Medical Corps’ 40th year brought many humanitarian challenges. Here are 10 images that reflect our unwavering commitment to providing lifesaving services and training, no matter the conditions.

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Emergency Surgery Saves Staff Member’s Life

In South Sudan, where floods swallow the land and infrastructure is almost non-existent, accessing urgent medical care can be a life-or-death challenge. This became painfully clear when International Medical Corps Program Manager Bithou Gatkuoth faced a medical emergency while working in Nyal, a city in the central part of the country. On Saturday, February 1, …

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Celebrating 40 Years of Health and Hope: Our Top 10 Images from 2024

Over the past 40 years, International Medical Corps has responded to the world’s most pressing disasters, providing medical care and supplies, clean water and nutrition, mental health, protection and other services to families affected by conflict, disaster and disease. And true to our founding principle, we focus on training communities to become their own first …

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Flooding and Humanitarian Needs Surge in South Sudan

Since September, flooding in South Sudan has affected approximately 1.4 million people and forcibly displaced more than 379,000. The escalating crisis has led to increased rates of malnutrition, diarrhea and malaria among children and women. International Medical Corps, which has been providing vital services in South Sudan for nearly 30 years, quickly responded to the …

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Midwife’s Quick Response Helps Woman in Labor in South Sudan

According to the 2024 South Sudan Humanitarian Need Overview and Response Plan (HNRP), South Sudan is experiencing a severe health crisis affecting 8.9 million people, primarily in regions affected by conflict and flooding. The health system in the country relies heavily on international aid and faces human resource shortages. Vulnerable groups—including women, children, the elderly …

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Phillip Is Seizure-Free—and Thriving

When Phillip Daniel Awuo was 15 years old, he collapsed on the ground, convulsing involuntarily and momentarily losing consciousness. His family rallied around him, not sure what to do. When he recovered, he had no memory of the event. It was the first of many seizures Phillip endured before being diagnosed and treated for epilepsy. …

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April Snapshots 2024

Providing Health Services in Venezuela Venezuela’s severe economic crisis has weakened its healthcare system, with many health facilities lacking the basic supplies needed to provide primary healthcare and to prevent and treat illnesses. In addition to providing staff to conduct medical consultations, we’ve helped to strengthen the health system in Venezuela by providing training for …

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Fleeing War in Sudan, Refugees Find Hope in South Sudan

On April 15, 2023, clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces erupted in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. Over the past year, the fighting has spread nationwide, displacing about 8.2 million people inside and outside of Sudan, which now has the world’s largest number of displaced people and the most significant …

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January Snapshots 2024

Creating Accessible Resources in the DRC Years after the official end of a decade-long civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), violence remains pervasive throughout the eastern part of the country. Sexual abuse of women and children continues to escalate, and more than one-third of the population lacks access to basic healthcare. …

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November Snapshots 2023

Fighting Period Poverty, Climate Change and Water-borne Disease in Zimbabwe Amid a decade of economic decline in Zimbabwe due to ongoing drought and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, we have delivered quality health and nutrition services to vulnerable people in food-insecure rural areas, contributed to improved nutrition and helped reduce the spread of waterborne diseases …

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Empowering Women and Girls Around the World

In times of crisis, violence against women and girls can escalate. International Medical Corps is at the forefront of preventing and responding to gender-based violence (GBV) in countries around the world. Our teams offer community-based services not only to prevent violence but also to reduce stigma for survivors and promote women’s empowerment and economic independence. …

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