March 22 marks the seventh year of civil war that the people of Yemen have had to endure. With 80% of the population in need of humanitarian aid and protection, it is now the largest humanitarian crisis in the world.
Our first responders have been reporting about the situation on the ground through our Yemen Blog, as they battle one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters––one fueled by poverty, hunger, disease and a seemingly endless war. Read more below.

The humanitarian work that Fayad does takes him to areas where Yemen’s hardship, hunger and human suffering are at their worst—and the war is never far away.

Faced with an economy in freefall, the closing of healthcare facilities and a growing number of disease outbreaks, it would’ve been easy for Dr. Nebras Khaled to give up. But she didn’t. She persevered—and now she’s seeing the results of her labor.

“But there were also bright spots in 2020. For me, one of the best has been our ability to ease the pain and suffering among those we serve—especially children.” Hear more from Fayad.

An already tough job has only become tougher in Yemen since the pandemic began. Hear how Dr. Nebras Khaled finds the motivation to keep going.

Taizz governorate is Yemen’s “ground zero” of a far broader humanitarian disaster that has left more than 3 million displaced and millions more on the brink of famine. Our team is there providing lifesaving support.

Our team in Yemen restored a health center at an orphanage. Read an on-the-ground account by Dr. Nebras Khaled.

We’re keeping critical healthcare within reach for so many scattered across hard-to-reach areas. It may be difficult, but it is what our team will continue to do until Yemen’s humanitarian crisis ends.

The war’s toll is hard to imagine. The conflict in Yemen has left millions of people in the country with no idea where their next meal is coming from. Our team is working to change that.

Eman had to flee war and now eases the suffering of so many vulnerable people by managing our Food Security and Livelihoods programs in Yemen.