Combatting Cholera Outbreak in Ethiopia
We recently led the response to an outbreak of cholera in Guji, a zone in Oromia region of Ethiopia, in collaboration with the local health office.

First, we held an orientation to train local staff on how to respond to the outbreak.

Next, we distributed household water treatment chemicals to people in affected communities and provided training sessions on how to use them. By working closely with the local health office, we were able to help prevent the spread of cholera by providing essential support to affected communities.
Celebrating Our Health Workers
World Health Worker Week, held this year from April 3–7, is dedicated to recognizing and appreciating the contributions of health workers around the world. We took this opportunity to highlight the incredible efforts of our dedicated team members who provide lifesaving healthcare to those in need.

Dr. Marly Quintana works on disease prevention, sexual and reproductive health, primary healthcare for indigenous communities and maternal and neonatal health in Venezuela. “Passion, commitment and a desire to serve others have always motivated me,” says Dr. Quintana.

A community health team monitor in Lebanon, Fatima Kawtharani sees that her work is having a snowball effect. “I supervise the team of community health workers who, in turn, transfer health literacy to their communities, eventually leading to overall improvements in their health beliefs and even behavior. This snowball effect will continue even after I leave, as our team has been making efforts to standardize public health intervention in collaboration with the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health, to ensure the sustainability of our program at the national level.”
Responding to Storms in the Central US
On March 31, a series of powerful storms swept through the central United States, causing significant damage and leaving many communities in need of urgent assistance. We quickly mobilized to provide support, sending an emergency response team to the tornado-damaged cities of Little Rock and Wynne, Arkansas.

In the days following the storms, our teams worked closely with local authorities and partners to quickly identify the most urgent needs and determine how best to respond. We distributed emergency relief supplies, such as blankets and hygiene kits, to families in need and supported partners’ efforts to provide essential health services despite the destruction. We remain committed to supporting affected communities and helping them to recover and rebuild. Find out more about our work in the US.

Rehabilitating Health Facilities in Venezuela
The ongoing political and economic crisis in Venezuela has caused a significant decline in healthcare infrastructure. In the Sucre and Cedeño municipalities of Bolívar, health facility conditions have negatively affected community health. Guarataro Outpatient Clinic and Dr. Arnoldo Gabaldón Hospital have faced some of the worst declines.

To address these issues, International Medical Corps implemented a project to improve the infrastructure of both health facilities, to train health workers to identify and treat infectious diseases—including COVID-19—and to manage pharmaceutical warehousing.
Through this project, we improved access to healthcare for more than 180,000 people living in the area.

Celebrating Our Planet: Earth Day 2023
As a global organization that responds to emergencies and provides healthcare to vulnerable communities, we understand the urgent need to address climate change.

Find out how we are helping to provide relief from the effects of climate change, such as lack of food and displacement caused by extreme weather conditions. Our programs focus on strengthening community resilience, building sustainable livelihoods and reducing the risks from natural disasters. Together, we can make a difference for people who are extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
Creating Innovative Solutions in South Sudan
In keeping with our focus on training, we’ve launched a new initiative that promotes knowledge exchange within our organization. Several International Medical Corps team members recently traveled from their country missions to different areas of South Sudan to share their expertise with colleagues, while gaining valuable insight and experience in another country.

Hear directly from our staff about the many benefits of their experience.

Empowering Children in Gaza
We recently hosted a child protection service event in Gaza to provide information and support to parents and children in the area. We’re committed to providing the best possible care and protection to children who are vulnerable due to crisis and disaster.

Every child has the right to grow up in a safe and healthy environment—which is why we continue to support child protection services in Gaza and around the world. Find out more about our work in Gaza.

Learn more about International Medical Corps
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International Medical Corps is a global first responder that delivers emergency medical and related services to those affected by conflict, disaster and disease, no matter where they are, no matter the conditions. We also train people in their communities, providing them with the skills they need to recover, chart their own path to self-reliance and become effective first responders themselves. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, we are a nonprofit with no religious or political affiliation, and now have more than 8,000 staff members around the world, 96% of whom are locally hired. Since our founding, we have operated in more than 80 countries, and have provided more than $4.2 billion in emergency relief and training to communities worldwide.
Our staff includes experts in emergency medicine, infectious disease, nutrition, mental health, maternal and infant health, gender-based violence prevention and treatment, training, and water, sanitation and hygiene, all within the humanitarian context.
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